Saturday, February 25, 2017

Heart's song...

The moment our eyes locked
Angels were blessing
Our hearts were exchanged
Our souls were binded.

That moment gave
Life time romance
Life time love
Life time attachment.

That moment tied
Our destiny together
Our life together
Our journey together.

Monday, February 20, 2017

RGB Monday...

Relax Please :)

Jeevan's RGB Monday is to keep away your Monday Blues and make feel colourful and yet cheerful! And this Link-in feature invites your colourful photos with the content of RGB – Red, Green, and Blue.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

To My Love...

My journey is smooth
When I walk with you

My mind is happy
When I hold your hand

My destination is clear
When you are with me

Birds are singing
When I hear your voice

Nature is smiling
When you are smiling at me

I am my 'true self'
When you encourage me

Thank you for making my(our) life
A wonderful journey!

Monday, February 6, 2017

RGB Monday...

Jeevan’s RGB Monday is to keep away your Monday Blues and make feel colourful and yet cheerful! And this Link-in feature invites your colourful photos with the content of RGB – Red, Green, and Blue.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Pick the picture - Poem 5...

They showed her pearls, gold, diamonds
They bowed before her in fear
They talked with sugarcoated words

She has won many wars
She was the one who leaded the army
She sat on her throne

Winning battles was in her blood
Finding the trustable people was in her bones
Leading everyone was in her flesh

One day she found her love
That day she knew love was in her soul
Beautiful, courageous Princess found her life.