Thursday, August 21, 2008

When U R Right...

When you are in love
You feel yourself attracted
towards the person you love.

It is not a competition
and no need for you
to defeat the person you love.

When you have problems
I share your worries.
When i face challenges
you, too share the thrill.

Some fragile egos want
to see their partners lose.
Some cruel souls want
their partners to be wrong.

Love helps
love strengthens
love motivates
love moulds.

Love dont have reason to win.
Love can afford to lose
whether its
word game

When you win the game,
I am glad.
When I know the answer
you are happy.

It is not a competition
and no need for you
to defeat the person you love.
P.S : This post is dedicated to my dumbo friend who doesnt know what love is and suffering b'cos of it :)


gP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gP said...

hemm...interesting interesting. :p

who is that dumbo I wonder?

Known Stranger said...

my comment was deleted

Devilish Angel said...

GP : keep wondering...

known stranger : GP has deleted his 1st comment...ITs not urs...

Jeevan said...

beautiful :)