After a long time i felt like blogging. I am in a very good mood and happy. Sometimes coming out from a relationship, break up will make you feel what it costs. Some times it makes you breath freely with freedom. It is always painful to say good bye to a person you like, but life is like that. And i was thinking why we judge people and how we judge people with the small informations we get.
In the beginning of a relationship everything seems perfect. We adjust for each other. But it changes as time grew. And at some point we start to be careless with words, behaviours and attitude towards the person whom we love. Then comes indecisiveness in life, which quickly erases the beauty of love. Till the moment we were together your voice, your talk made my heart flutter.
Decay of love
Decay of feelings
Decay of relationship
You and Me
good one :)
life is always in confusion, it gets the better of u when u can make sane judgments. its time for both of you to learn and correct things.
You remind me of a passage i Read sumwhr....Love is like water in your palm. As long as you dont squeeze it, It stays there...but if you try to close it, it finds way to escape...
So relations work as long as there is space between between them..
Time takes for better decision and learning, and in urgency we aren’t ourselves. Well express your feeling.
Keep blogging...
some saneful thoughts .
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