Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Wayward Pines - Favourite TV series 1

Wayward Pines is a mystery, thriller type series. Wayward Pines is a city where people have to follow rules, otherwise they get executed. The rules are "Enjoy your life in Wayward Pines. Be happy. Work hard. Always answer the phone if it rings. Do not discuss the past. Do not discuss the life before. Do not try to leave."

The rules seems to be simple. And what happens when people trying to break the rules is the story. I like watching this series. Especially for the rules. 


deeps said...

Intriguing as it sounds…

Jeevan said...


Destination Infinity said...

I hate following rules made by others for me, but I follow the rules I make for myself. My best guess, I'll be dead immediately upon arrival in such a city! :)

Destination Infinity