Tuesday, February 23, 2016


The Human Mind has got two sides, one the conscious and the other the sub-conscious. The sub-conscious mind is active always even while we sleep and that is why even in deep sleep we will realise some small noises which occur around us.

The sub-conscious mind has a power and there are few people who are aware of this fact and it is these few who get intuition and as they practice it in the day to day life, they become experts to predict things out of their intuition. Various events in our life are also reflection of our sub-conscious thoughts of our mind and that is how we relate it. Many times on any particular event, we say, I knew it will happen like this only, I told you know, it will happen like this. 

This is the basis on which scholars say, always think positively and talk positively. We have to be aware always and recognise the presence of the sub-conscious mind and keep developing the art of talking to our own inner-self and this will translate itself to Intuition. Let all good thoughts, pleasant thoughts, positive thoughts, Thoughts which can satisfy our soul emerge in us and we can look forward to Better and Happy days ahead of us.


Destination Infinity said...

Positive cannot exist in vacuum. It is dependent on negative to make sense.

Destination Infinity

Locomente said...

Well said. Positive thoughts are imperative for a happy and peaceful life.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Positive will always over come negative if we don't give up.

Jeevan said...

I think we need to be aware of negative things also, because we can’t be positive always without driving away the negative things. Being conscious is very important and enjoying life at same time make life meaningful. Thoughtful post!

Saru Singhal said...

Right, be positive and do positive things. It reflects on every aspect of our lives.