Everybody face life changing situation atleast once in their life time.It may happen when a person faces near to death situation emotionally or physically. If that person decide to change completely, starting from zero then it is a rebirth to her/him.
It is not easy. It is the most painful thing in the world. Our DNA, environment, assosiates, decision making capacity, thinking ability decides who we are. And reprogramming it needs strong desire, motivation and will power. It needs self observation and involves facing uncomfortable truths about ourselves.
One should change the patterns in their life, their responses to familiar situation, their automatic reactions and their emotions. One should change their friends with whom they normally associative with, because with same friends same pattern will repeat. It is a selfish thing to do, but rebirth needs complete pattern break. It is a lengthy process but the reward has its worth.
Most people go with life as it is because change is not easy and and the person has to be committed to make the change. Change/rebirth is completely your choice. With that you can design your own destiny. Are you bold enough to determine your destiny in near to death situation?