Friday, August 25, 2017

Mask of a Stranger!

One day I found myself among strangers.
But they were familiar.
They have many more masks to wear.
They choose it depending on the occasion.

One day I walked among strangers.
I didnt have the mask to wear with them.
They looked at me as a stranger.
One even gave me his mask.

One day I spent among strangers.
They were familiar.
They laughed and cried using different masks.
I saw their heart beyond their masks.

One day I find myself as a stranger.
With strange people.
Now they are walking with me.
And they are learning from me.


krishna said...

That's very true, every good friend was stranger once..

Bob Bushell said...

A good though.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Very interesting! Thank you for sharing.
Wishing you a happy weekend and sending many hugs. :)

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful words, a lovely post.

rainfield61 said...

We are wearing masks, though these are invisible.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The moment you are interested enough to say hello, that person is a stranger no more! Lovely words DA ✨

Jeevan said...

Nice perception

magiceye said...

Social interaction!

baili said...

Sublime thoughts and beautiful poem!!!

there is no stranger it is just berrier of ego and fear

stardust said...

Once a stranger, now a friend or an acquaintance, is so true. Your poem reminded me of “Stranger” by Billy Joel, one of my favorite music with interesting lyrics. “Did you ever let your lover see / The stranger in yourself?”


deeps said...

even good friends can turn strangers ...

R's Rue said...
