Saturday, November 3, 2012

Love - Go blind stage...

The night was dark, sky was cloudy. Street lights were dark making the rain drops glittering. I was holding your hand while walking in the rain. You were helding an umbrella to keep me safe. Walking with you in rain holding your hand, humming a song, blushing at your looks and liking the way your hands play with my wet hair was wonderful. The warm of your body, your deep voice and your shining eyes made me to walk without feeling tired.

This is the go blind stage in love. You will be wondering how many stages are there  in love. First stage is go blind. Second stage is trial and error. Third stage is adjustment. Many love will not even cross the first stage itself. Since people are thinking love is just meeting, dating, and happy marriage. Real fact is not like that. Only in movies things are good in love. I will be writing about the other stages in my posts soon.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great post... YES---love and marriage takes alot of hard work... It's a give-and-take relationship ---and to me, it's not 50/50... It's 100/100... You give 100% of you to him and he give 100% to you!!!!


Brijesh said...

I guess love is all about the second stage. Trial & Error. And ofcourse living live to the hilt while in the process. Judgement and ego is what kills it i guess. Good writing, short and crisp.

Jeevan said...

Love is not like comes in movies... but sometime they are makeup of real life happenings.

deeps said...

thats so romantic...
and blind by love :)

Amrit Sinha said...

This post provides such a beautiful take on love ... well done !!!

Ashitha said...

Good entry..Looking for more posts on love :)

ashok said...

the season of love...nice post!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and Interesting..waiting for next post :)

Preetilata【ツ】 said...

Just like this one i am sure it would be interesting to read your perspective on the other stages of love too.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

To be loved and to be able to love are perhaps the greatest gifts of mankind

muthu said...

hmhm.... I think love can always be blind. If they chose so-

Its like the love of a mother towards her child however a rogue he may be.

It's a personal choice. Life can always be romantic, if you wanted it to be and if you have the right guy.

I know couples how still relish each others company and think the world of each other.

Anupama K. Mazumder said...

Analysing love? That is a difficult path!

Shadow said...

nice feelings expressed here. this is indeed the first stage. lasting love takes a lot more...